The 10 Near Amazing Animals to Spot in Republic of colombia

Republic of colombia has the highest rate of beast species by unit area in the entire world. The possibilities for wildlife spotting in Republic of colombia are endless.

Tourists are able to spot a wide variety of creature species without doing much effort and without having to deviate from the highlights that are unremarkably included in most Colombia Vacation Package . In this post, I am going to give you the 10 about amazing animals to spot in Colombia.

Colombia is a true paradise for nature lovers. The Andes mountains, the jungles of the Amazon region and the Pacific Ocean, the tropical forests and the wetlands, they all create item habitats resulting in a biodiversity that is unique in the world.

Colombia hosts the well-nigh bird species in the earth and has plenty of endemic birds that can simply be found here. A dream paradise for birdwatchers.

Moreover, Colombia is besides home to the largest number of amphibians in the globe and it ranks 2nd in most species of mammals worldwide.

Reptile fanatics won´t be disappointed either because Republic of colombia has more than 588 species of reptiles, including turtles, snakes, crocodile and lizards. This makes information technology the half dozen th richest country for reptiles.

I could keep giving you more data and statistics, just I judge you already got the point: Colombia'southward wildlife is truly amazing.

The best of all, is that you tin easily spot plenty of this wildlife without doing much attempt or paying fortunes.

Additionally, you won't really have to spend days inside a jungle or accept to deviate from the primary tourist attractions in Republic of colombia to be able to spot amazing animals.

With so many species of animals in Colombia, making a selection of the most amazing ones is not easy. In the following list, you lot will find the almost special animals that are relatively like shooting fish in a barrel to spot during your holidays in Republic of colombia.

1.Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)

I know, you must be thinking that you can spot humpback whales in many places in the world, and that is true. All the same, in pacific declension of Colombia you will have perhaps the best chances in the world of spotting these amazing creatures from up close while doing ane of the most unforgettable shows you can ever imagine.

Every twelvemonth, from July to Oct, hundreds of these whales come all the way from the south of Chile to the warm and calm waters of the Natural Park Ensenada de Utría in the Colombian department of Chocó.

They arrive there to give birth to their calves and spend a few months teaching them everything they are going to demand to be able to survive in the wild waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Tourists who come to this area during those months, have unrivalled chances of doing some of the most amazing whale watching tours in the globe.

Sitting on a small boat, you will be able to witness from up close how a mother whale teaches its recently built-in calve how to jump out of the water and land making a huge h2o splash. They use this technique to leave big groups of fish unconscious and then easily eat them.

Other techniques the mothers teach their calves, include hitting the h2o with their tails and fins.

These training sessions sometimes last for hours, and in some places, y'all can even witness them from the shore while sitting at the embankment.

2. Giant Anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)

This is one of my favorite animals in Colombia. The Behemothic Anteater, sometimes also chosen the Ant Bear, is a big mammal native to Central and Due south America.

Its length is unremarkably betwixt 182 to 217 cm (5.96 to 7.12 ft) and its weight is between 33 to 41 kg (73 to 90 lb).

This amazing creature is recognized past its elongated snout, bushy tail and long fore claws. It feeds primarily on ants and termites, using its fore claws to dig them up and its long, gluey tongue to collect them.

The best identify in Colombia, and maybe even in the world, to spot these animals is the region of Casanare.

Casanare is not just amazing for spotting anteaters just as well to spot otters, caimans, deer, wild pigs, capybaras, snakes and hundreds of bird species. Its flat grasslands are ideal for doing jeep safaris or go horseback riding.

Click hither for more information on Casanare and the different options to visit this area and spot the amazing Behemothic Anteater.

three.Ring-tailed Oropendola (Ocyalus latirostris)

Colombia is the #1 country in the world for birdwatching. It doesn't merely take the biggest variety of bird species worldwide, but some of the most amazing species are very easy to spot.

This is the case of the Band-tailed Oropendola. This cute bird mainly lives close to forests. They are around 30 centimeters long, mainly of black color with 3 long yellow tail-feathers. Usually forages alone or in small flocks, looking for invertebrates and fruits.

I know, this sounds like a normal boring black bird. All the same, this bird is quite special for ii reasons:

  1. Its nests are architectural wonders. They are long woven basket nests hanging from the terminate of a co-operative. They actually await like giant woven tears. The ability of these birds to use their beaks and legs to build such an elaborate nest is truly amazing.
  1. They can create a huge range of unlike songs and calls. They are very vocal and loud birds that can fifty-fifty imitate the sounds of other species.

4.Cotton-height tamarin ( Saguinus oedipus):

My favorite monkey is the Cotton-superlative Tamarin, not just because is an endemic specie you tin only detect in Colombia, but considering they are super beautiful.

They are one of the smallest primates in the world, weighing less than 0,5 kg (1,1 lb) and can live up to 24 years old. It is hands recognized by the long, white sagittal crest extending from its forehead to its shoulders. It's like if a panthera leo decided to go a small monkey.

They are constitute in tropical wood in north-western Republic of colombia. They consume insects and some plant exudates and it is considered a very important dispersal of seeds.

Besides being cute, these monkeys are believed to be one of the almost avant-garde species. They display a wide diverseness of social behaviors and have been extensively studied for their high level of cooperative care and altruistic behaviors. Their advice is sophisticated and shows evidence of grammatical structure.

Unfortunately, the Cotton-top Tamarin is in risk of extinction due to the reduction of their habitat. It is actually classified every bit critically endangered and is one of the rarest primates in the earth, with only around 6000 individuals left in the wild.

The all-time place to spot these amazing monkeys is the Tayrona Natural Park. When you are walking the paths through the tropical forest to get to some of the gorgeous beaches of this park, go along your eyes opened and look for them in the branches of the surrounding trees. There are unremarkably groups of them hanging around at that place.

Click here for more data on visiting the Tayrona Natural Park.

5.Pinkish dolphins ( Inia geoffrensis)

The pink dolphins, also known as the Amazon River Dolphin, is a species of toothed whale classified in the family Iniidae. It is the largest species of river dolphins in the world.  An adult male can weight upwards to 185 kg (408 lb) and tin be of up to two.5 meters (8.2 ft) long.

Adults get a pinkish colour which is more visible in males than in females. Younger dolphins are of greyish colors.

They feed on upward to 53 different species of fish, such equally croakers, catfish, tetras and piranhas. They besides eat other animals such every bit river turtles and freshwater venereal.

Even though they are not as playful as the sea dolphins, seeing one of these gorgeous creatures in the wild is an unforgettable experience.

There are several places in Colombia to accept encounters with these dolphins. If y'all are interested in watching these dolphins, don't hesitate to include places similar the Amazon jungle or the Cerros de Mavecure to your  Colombia Holiday Package.

In these places, yous tin can easily spot them by taking a boat tour or just past sitting next to the river banks. It is usually easier to find them effectually sunset when they are out looking for food.

On pinnacle to those 2 places, there is an amazing identify not just to see them, but also to exist able to play with them. This identify is called the Laguna de Nare in the department Guaviare.

In this footling lake, in that location is a group of these pink dolphins who are incredible playful in comparison to other places. You can jump into the h2o, wait for a few minutes and most probable, a curious dolphin volition come to check you lot out. They commonly like to softly hit your legs with their fins and tails in a playful fashion.

half dozen.Anaconda ( Eunectes murinus)

The former mighty anaconda. The biggest of all snakes past weight and the second largest past length.

Anacondas are muscular snakes that are thicker than other boas. They have thick necks and narrow but large heads. All anacondas have nostrils and eyes on the tops of their heads. This allows them to see to a higher place the water while remaining mostly submerged.

Some of the longest anacondas always institute, are around eight meters long. They are most active in the early evening and at night. Their large size makes them beefy on state only they can move rapidly in the water.

They are solitary snakes and like all boas, are not-venomous. Anacondas are powerful constrictors and young snakes tin can eat rodents, lizards and fish, while adult snakes can swallow caimans, capybaras or even jaguars.

The all-time place in Republic of colombia, and mayhap even in the earth, to spot an Anaconda is Casanare. Here, in that location are a few places where locals have built some specific paths where they know the chances of encountering an anaconda are higher. It is easier to spot them during the dry out months of December to march.

Click hither for more information on Casanare.

7.Jesus Christ cadger (Basiliscus plumifrons)

Besides known as the Green Basilisk Cadger, this amazing reptile is famous for being able to run on water. That is why they call it the Jesus Christ Lizard.

They spend much of their time in the trees and are never far from a bounding main. When threatened, they tin driblet from a tree into the h2o and sprint, upright, most 5 feet per second across the surface.

Animals in Colombia

To achieve this, they have long toes on their back feet with borders of pare that expand in the h2o, increasing the surface surface area.

Every bit they quickly shake their legs, they slap their splayed anxiety hard against the water, creating a tiny air pocket that keeps them from sinking, equally long as they go on running.

They can move forth the surface like this for iv to 5 meters (15 feet). When gravity finally takes over, these astonishing lizards rely on their excellent swimming skills.

The best place in Colombia to spot this funny and cute animals is the Pacific Coast. They are like shooting fish in a barrel to find in places like Bahía Solano and surroundings.

eight.The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus)

Watching a Condor fly from close by is one of the most astonishing experiences y'all can have. I have already seen a few of them and every time I see one, I tin't avoid to get goosebumps.

The condor is a vulture bird (feeds from dead animals). Information technology is the largest flying bird in the earth and calls the Colombian mountains its home.

Its wingspan ranges from 274 to 310 cm (8.99 to 10.17 ft) and weights around xi to fifteen kg (24 to 33 lb). They may live for 50 years or more, and mate for life. The globe's oldest condor died at the historic period of 100.

Wild condors inhabit huge territories, often traveling 250 km (160 mi) a 24-hour interval in search of carrion. They prefer large carcasses such equally cattle.

In the wild they are sporadic eaters, ofttimes going for a few days without eating, then avid themselves on several kilograms at once.

You can spot condors in many places of the Americas, but in Colombia at that place is a place where you tin watch them from shut by and enjoy their flying over gorgeous mountains and valleys.

This place is located in the vicinity of the Purace Natural Park in the due south due west of the country, about 2.v hours away from the metropolis of Popayan.

In this surface area, there are 3 wild condors. Some indigenous people feed them near every solar day by putting feces on top of a stone, while tourists stand just a couple of meters abroad.

Watching this huge bird standing still on a rock just a couple of meters away from you lot and then see information technology flight above yous is an unforgettable experience.

For more data the Condor Feeding tour in Purace, click hither.

9.The Golden Poison Frog ( Phyllobates terribilis)

This one is a bit more than difficult to spot than the others on this list, but it is a really amazing creature.

The Golden Poison Frog, endemic to the Pacific declension of Colombia, is considered equally the most poisonous animal in the world.

In the wild, it is a social animal, living in groups of upward to six individuals. Nonetheless, captive ones can live in much larger groups. These frogs are sometimes seen as harmless due to their small size and bright colours, but these frogs are lethally toxic.

The Golden Poison Frog is the largest specie of poison dart frog, as it can reach a size of 55 mm. The adults are brightly coloured, only they lack the night spots present in many other south frog species.

The frog's skin is densely covered in an alkaloid toxin. When in contact with this poison, it tin cause centre failure resulting in death. These frogs, only use their poisonous substance equally a self-defense force machinery and not for killing prey.

The average dose of poison per frog is usually estimated to be of around one milligram, plenty to impale well-nigh x,000 mice or between 10 to 20 humans.

The gold poisonous substance frog, stores its poison in peel glands. Local indigenous tribes, used to hunt them and collect their poison from their skin to put it in the edge of their arrows. They volition then apply those arrows to hunt large animals to eat in a more effective way.

In the jungles surrounding Bahía Solano , you could spot i of these gorgeous frogs. Information technology is recommended to go with a local guide on the jungle expeditions so you can observe them easier. The local guides volition too know how to approach the frogs and volition make sure the expedition is prophylactic.

10.Andean Motmot (Momotus aequatorialis)

If the previous was the about difficult animal to spot, this is the easiest one. The Andean Motmot is a gorgeous bird that can hands be seen in the areas around the coffee zone.

They are large birds with a stout, black bill, and a long tail with a "racquet" tip. The trunk plumage is green, with a portion of the upper tail blue. The centre of the crown is black with a broad bluish line adjoining it. Motmots nest in tunnels in banks, laying about iii or four white eggs.

They alive mainly in humid mountain forest, often near streams. These gorgeous birds often sit even so, only due to its big size, they are like shooting fish in a barrel to spot.

Animals in Colombia

Fifty-fifty though you can detect them in many places of Colombia, the Tinamu Birding Reserve , near the urban center of Manizales, is the best place to see them. In this amazing reserve, you will as well be able to spot many other astonishing bird species.


Republic of colombia is a existent wonderland for wild animals lovers. It is the country with the highest charge per unit of animal species by unit surface area in the world.

One of the all-time things to practice in Colombia is wild animals spotting. Animal encounters are common in every corner of this country. Most tourists get to run across plenty of amazing animals without doing any effort.

Along the traditional tourist paths and destinations, you should exist able to spot many amazing species of animals. If you make up one's mind to go a bit off the beaten path, you will certainly see a lot more.

Among the most amazing animals that tourists can easily spot in their trips to Colombia, there are ten animals that sand out. They are:

  • – The humpback whales
  • – The Giant Anteaters
  • – The Band-tailed Oropendola
  • – The Cotton wool-top tamarin
  • – The Pink Dolphins
  • – The Anaconda
  • – The Jesus Christ lizard
  • – The Andean Condor
  • – The Golden Poison Frog
  • – The Andean Motmot

Even though spotting all 10 of them in one trip might exist quite challenging, I am sure you can get to spot half of them in a well-designed Colombia Holiday Package as the ones we create in Lulo Colombia Travel.

If you are an animal lover and would like to spot some of these (and more) astonishing animals during your trip to Colombia, don't hesitate to contact usa so that we can create a detailed Colombia Travel Itinerary that will increase your chances of spotting some of these species.