This in depth tutorial explains how to draw a beautiful anime girl in 15 steps. In particular it looks at cartoon the face of such a grapheme from the front view.

Beautiful anime girl drawing step by step
Beautiful anime girl drawing stride past step

Equally the title states the focus of this tutorial is on cartoon a beautiful female anime character. In anime and manga these frequently have roles such as the "pretty girl" at school and may not necessarily be the protagonist. However drawing an anime girl to look beautiful is actually a flake of a challenge as most of them are drawn to be adequately cute past default. To help this tutorial gives a through guide on how to draw and position the caput and facial features for a "pretty girl" character archetype.

Please annotation that if you've seen other like tutorials here on AnimeOutline there may exist a few overlapping or similar information. Even so this particular character does accept slightly different proportions and then read carefully.

Also notation that while the proportions in this tutorial can assistance reach the "beautiful girl" expect, this is simply one example and in that location are many more ways to draw such a graphic symbol.

Overall the tutorial combines practiced drawing practices that tin can utilise to art in general with tips on getting a particular anime/manga style wait.

Step 1 – Depict the Heart Guide Line & The Superlative of the Head

Beautiful anime girl head top drawing
Cute anime girl head peak drawing

Star past drawing a vertical line through the middle of your drawing area. In this case it will be tall enough to adjust the height of the head, neck, and the summit part of the shoulders.

The purpose of this line is to deed as a guide that helps make certain that both halves of the head/neck/shoulders are of relatively fifty-fifty width. Afterward information technology can also help with spacing and positioning the facial features.

At the top of this line depict a circle that will correspond the acme of the head.

Footstep 2 – Draw the Lesser of the Head

Beautiful anime girl head drawing
Cute anime girl head cartoon

From the lower one-half of the circle project two lines down and angled towards the center line. These should then transition into curves and and so go along an even sharper angles to finally join at the bend of the chin.

Y'all can see the break down in the illustration above.

Stride 3 – Describe the Neck/Shoulders

Beautiful anime girl neck drawing
Beautiful anime girl neck cartoon

Make the cervix adequately thin in relation to the head and fairly long. It should eventually transitioning into the shoulder muscles which should then transition into the shoulders.

A slender and long cervix volition help emphasize a cute character.

As this tutorial mainly focuses on the face we won't go into too much detail on cartoon these.

For more information on drawing anime necks see:

How to Draw Anime Neck & Shoulders

Stride 4 – Position the Eyes Horizontally

Beautiful anime girl eyes drawing
Beautiful anime daughter eyes drawing

To position the optics y'all can horizontally carve up the head in two as shown with the example above. For the "beautiful girl" character y'all can so place the eyes slightly beneath this halfway indicate. the large forehead will add to the "cuteness".

Stride five – Infinite the Eyes Horizontally & Depict Their Basic Outlines

Beautiful anime girl eyes drawing spacing
Beautiful anime daughter eyes cartoon spacing

When spacing the eyes horizontally you will want to leave about enough room between them that you tin fit in another eye.

When really cartoon the eyes make them fairly narrow with relatively thick sets of top eyelashes.

At this phase you lot tin can simply outline the basic shape of the eyes without cartoon all of the smaller details such equally the eyelashes.

The goal is to starting time correctly identify all the facial features.

For more than good drawing practices and  explanations as to why y'all want to draw a sure way run across:

Beginner Guide to Drawing Anime & Manga

Stride 6 – Position & Draw the Eyebrows

Beautiful anime girl eyebrows drawing
Beautiful anime girl eyebrows cartoon

Adequately high up in a higher place the eyes draw the eyelashes with thicker and slightly raised inner ends. This will help give the character a certain personality.

For more examples of various types of anime/manga eyelashes run across:

How to Draw Anime Eyelashes Step by Step

Step 7 – Position & Draw the Nose

Beautiful anime girl nose drawing
Beautiful anime girl nose drawing

The nose will be slightly above the halfway signal between the horizontal line for the middle of the head and the bottom of the mentum.

Depict the olfactory organ itself close to a tiny oval in shape with the side closer to the center of the face slightly flatter.

Step 8 – Position & Draw the Mouth

Beautiful anime girl mouth drawing
Beautiful anime daughter mouth drawing

Place the mouth where it's bottom lip (not actually drawn) would be about halfway between the bottom of the nose and the bottom of the mentum.

Make the rima oris fairly minor with a very slight downwardly curve. It's very of import not to draw too much of a curve or the character tin can get an unhappy looking expression.

Footstep 9 – Position & Draw the Ears

Beautiful anime girl ears drawing
Cute anime girl ears cartoon

Position the ears with their tops slightly below the summit of the eyes and their bottoms slightly below the bottom of the nose. For this particular grapheme the ears will be fatigued slightly smaller and slightly lower down than is recommended for other character types here on AnimeOutline.

For the other placement case as well every bit more information on drawing ears see:

How to Draw Anime and Manga Ears

In this case most of the ears will be covered past the hair so there is not much need for drawing their inner details.

Pace 10 – Draw the Sides of the Hair

Beautiful anime girl hair sides drawing
Beautiful anime girl hair sides drawing

After placing all of the facial features y'all can move on to drawing the pilus.

To emphasize that the graphic symbol is beautiful (takes care of herself) we will requite her a fairly neat hair style.

When drawing the hair you tin can call back of it as being dissever into the sides, front and dorsum/peak sections. For a more detailed caption of this as well equally examples of other hair styles see:

How to Draw Anime and Manga Hair – Female person

Begin by drawing the "sides" part of the hair. In this case these volition be two fairly long "clumps" that begin from around the top of the head and end with a pair of splits slightly below the shoulders.

Brand these slightly curved as though they are hugging the head/face and also make them slightly wider towards the bottom.

Step xi – Draw the Front of the Hair

Beautiful anime girl hair front drawing
Cute anime girl hair front end drawing

Draw the front portion of the hair split downward the middle and tucked nether the sides.

Footstep 12 – Draw the Back/Top of the Hair

Beautiful anime girl hair drawing
Beautiful anime girl pilus drawing

Draw the back/top department also split downwards the center. The hair should beginning stick slightly further up from the head towards it's very tiptop, and so get a niggling closer towards it near the upper terminate of the sides of the caput. Finally it should once more curve abroad from the head towards the middle/bottom of the caput.

Later you finish cartoon the hair y'all can erase the parts of the caput/and ears that are covered by it.

In case yous are wondering why yous needed to fully draw out the caput and ears and non just start with the hair there are several reasons for this. 1 is that seeing the verbal size of the caput makes it easier to place the facial features (equally was shown in the previous steps). Another is that drawing in such a manner helps to avoid many potential mistakes.

For a listing of common mistakes when cartoon in the anime style and drawing in general encounter:

Common Mistakes When Drawing Anime & Manga

Step 13 – Add the Small Details

Beautiful anime girl line drawing
Cute anime girl line drawing

Later on you lot finish drawing the outlines of the hair and placing all of the facial features you tin can then draw all of the small details.

In this case those will exist:

  • Inner details of the eyes
  • Hair folds
  • Mole/Beauty Mark

For a very detailed breakdown of drawing the eyes you can encounter:

How to Draw Female Anime Eyes Tutorial

While the optics in that example are slightly different all of the drawing steps can exist applied to the case in this tutorial.

Beautiful anime girl eyes drawing step by step
Beautiful anime girl eyes cartoon step by stride

You can see a basic step past step drawing of the details of the eyes to a higher place. As well delight note that the irises are shaded gray just to brand the highlights in the final drawing a bit easier to meet. If yous are going to exist coloring the eyes you may wish to make them a dissimilar color.

When done with the eyes you can add a few extra hair folds as shown in the outset instance.

Beautiful anime girl face close up drawing
Cute anime girl confront close up drawing

Finally yous can also add a little beauty mark/mole only slightly below 1 of the optics (or other places). This volition again help emphasize that the daughter is beautiful as some famous models have these.

You can encounter a slightly larger version of the face in a higher place to make it a little bit easier to see.

Step 14 – Color the Drawing

Beautiful anime girl coloring
Beautiful anime girl coloring

Earlier you begin coloring the character it'south of import to note that if doing so on paper y'all may want to leave some white spots for the highlights in the pilus (see side by side step). If coloring digitally it's easier to add the highlights in at the end.

For the actual color pick you tin go with many potential options. In this case we will requite her fairly light blonde hair and complimentary colored blue optics.

For an explanation of which colors get well together see:

Beginner Guide to Picking Colors When Drawing Anime & Manga

Step fifteen – Shade & Finish the Cartoon

Beautiful anime girl drawing
Beautiful anime girl cartoon

For some very basic shading you can add shadows in the most common places. In this case they will be as follows:

  • Tiny shadows effectually the eyelids
  • Small shadows below the eyelashes (cast by the eyelashes)
  • Very tiny shadow to i side of the olfactory organ
  • Fully shaded ears
  • Large shadow on the cervix in the shape o the chin (bandage by the head)
  • Fully shaded inner part of the hair between the head/neck and the side hair

Equally mentioned before you can likewise add some pilus highlights as sort of white zigzag lines beyond the hair. Every bit suggested earlier yous can simply leave this expanse white and then color around it. Alternatively you lot tin can utilize a white correction pen to add them in over top or do it digitally.


Equally mentioned at the offset of the tutorial, female anime characters tend to exist cute by default then information technology tin can be difficult to depict 1 that is supposed to exist beautiful. However using the proportions and facial feature placement in this tutorial can help create such a character.

The large forehead adds to the "cuteness" while the big but slightly narrower (than common in anime) optics give her a fleck of a more mature face. The raised eyebrows with the downwards curved mouth gives just a tiny scrap of "condescending" expect (not necessarily negative), sort of similar a queen or someone of the upper class. At the same fourth dimension information technology's still a fairly relaxed and natural looking expression.

As mentioned this is only one way to draw such a character. For more on cartoon different anime character archetypes see:

  • How to Draw Anime Characters Tutorial
  • How to Depict an Anime Elf Daughter Step by Step
  • How to Draw a Cute Anime Girl Step by Step
  • How to Draw an Anime Daughter in a Mask Pace past Step