
What Windows 8? Microsoft Pushes XP-to-Win 7 Migration - williamshicess

What's the best operating system for businesses? If you were to ask Microsoft, you'd probably expect them to preach the virtues of the caller's forthcoming Windows 8 operational system, which arrives later this year on both PCs and tablets.

But for enterprises still running Redmond's antiquated Windows XP OS, Windows 7 is the logical upgrade–at least according to a other whitepaper written by analyst firm IDC and sponsored away Microsoft.

(Disclaimer: PCWorld and IDC are some closely-held by the synoptical parent party, IDG.)

The whitepaper, titled "Mitigating Risk: Wherefore Sticking with Windows XP is a Bad Musical theme," is the latest whole tone in Microsoft's current crusade to driving a game finished XP's eternally beating nitty-gritt.

So what's the report say? Bad much what you'd bear.

"IDC found that the base IT and closing user labor costs of continued to support Windows XP is now just about fin times as much as the cost of running Windows 7," writes Microsoft's Erwin Visser in a May 24 post connected The Windows Blog.

Yes, only how does Windows 8, with its radically redesigned Metro user interface, fit into the business-upgrade cycle?

Visser writes that "migrating immediately to Windows 7 will set businesses awake well to embrace Windows 8 in the in store, as IDC recovered that all indications at this time are that the move from Windows 7 to Windows 8 will be unseamed for applications and non-impactful to existing computer hardware."

Another possible scenario: Businesses bypass Windows 8 altogether and wait for Windows 9 a few years down the road, particularly if the benefits of moving from Win 7 to Win 8 aren't Charles Frederick Worth the expense and hassle of upgrading.

Windows XP is slowly being supplanted by Windows 7, but not as quickly as Microsoft would like. According to analytics firm Net Applications, Windows XP had a 46 percent share of all desktop operating systems in April 2012, while Windows 7 had retributory subordinate 39 percentage.

Microsoft wish end endure for XP in April 2022, a deadline that Redmond hopes will spur its enterprise customers to finally knock off the aging Osmium.

For now, Windows 7 is the upgrade itinerary of choice–and may very well remain thusly even after Windows 8 ships.

Contact Jeff Bertolucci at Today@PCWorld, Twitter (@jbertolucci) or


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